DevX ARM64 Virual Machine - instruction implementation level
Purpose of the virtual machine: Executing instruction set for the ARM processor
CPU architecture: AArch64 (ARM64, ARMv8), AArch32 (ARM32)
Execution Result: Instrumentation execution result (when the input values are known), high-level pseudo code (in the form of an AST tree)
It is part of the code recovery Unity3D IL2CPP to C#
Listed ARM64,ARM32 instructions and their implementation in the virtual machine:
1.3 Registers
This post will only focus on using the general-purpose, zero and stack pointer registers, but not SIMD, floating point and vector registers. Most system calls only use general-purpose registers.
-- Name Size Description
OK| Wn 32-bits General purpose registers 0-31
OK| Xn 64-bits General purpose registers 0-31
OK| WZR 32-bits Zero register
OK| XZR 64-bits Zero register
OK| SP 64-bits Stack pointer
1.4 Calling convention
The following is applicable to Debian Linux. You may freely use x0-x18, but remember that if calling subroutines, they may use them as well.
-- Registers Description
OK| X0 – X7 arguments and return value
OK| X8 – X18 temporary registers
OK| X19 – X28 callee-saved registers
OK| X29 frame pointer
OK| X30 link register
OK| SP stack pointer
2.1 Arithmetic
The following instructions can be used for arithmetic, stack allocation and addressing of memory, control flow, and initialization of registers or variables.
-- Menmonic Operands Instruction
OK?| ADD{S} (immediate) Rd, Rn, #imm{, shift} Add (immediate) adds a register value and an optionally-shifted immediate value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK?| ADD{S} (extended register) Rd, Rn, Wm{, extend {#amount}} Add (extended register) adds a register value and a sign or zero-extended register value, followed by an optional left shift amount, and writes the result to the destination register. The argument that is extended from the Rm register can be a byte, halfword, word, or doubleword.
OK?| ADD{S} (shifted register) Rd, Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Add (shifted register) adds a register value and an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| ADR Xd, rel Form PC-relative address adds an immediate value to the PC value to form a PC-relative address, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| ADRP Xd, rel Form PC-relative address to 4KB page adds an immediate value that is shifted left by 12 bits, to the PC value to form a PC-relative address, with the bottom 12 bits masked out, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| CMN (extended register) Rn, Rm{, extend {#amount}} Compare Negative (extended register) adds a register value and a sign or zero-extended register value, followed by an optional left shift amount. The argument that is extended from the Rm register can be a byte, halfword, word, or doubleword. It updates the condition flags based on the result, and discards the result.
OK| CMN (immediate) Rn, #imm{, shift} Compare Negative (immediate) adds a register value and an optionally-shifted immediate value. It updates the condition flags based on the result, and discards the result.
OK| CMN (shifted register) Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Compare Negative (extended register) adds a register value and a sign or zero-extended register value, followed by an optional left shift amount. The argument that is extended from the Rm register can be a byte, halfword, word, or doubleword. It updates the condition flags based on the result, and discards the result.
OK| CMP (extended register) Rn, Rm{, extend {#amount}} Compare (extended register) subtracts a sign or zero-extended register value, followed by an optional left shift amount, from a register value. The argument that is extended from the Rm register can be a byte, halfword, word, or doubleword. It updates the condition flags based on the result, and discards the result.
OK| CMP (immediate) Rn, #imm{, shift} Compare (immediate) subtracts an optionally-shifted immediate value from a register value. It updates the condition flags based on the result, and discards the result.
OK| CMP (shifted register) Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Compare (shifted register) subtracts an optionally-shifted register value from a register value. It updates the condition flags based on the result, and discards the result.
OK| MADD Rd, Rn, Rm, ra Multiply-Add multiplies two register values, adds a third register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| MNEG Rd, Rn, Rm Multiply-Negate multiplies two register values, negates the product, and writes the result to the destination register. Alias of MSUB.
OK| MSUB Rd, Rn, Rm, ra Multiply-Subtract multiplies two register values, subtracts the product from a third register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| MUL Rd, Rn, Rm Multiply. Alias of MADD.
OK?| NEG{S} Rd, op2 Negate (shifted register) negates an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
??| NGC{S} Rd, Rm Negate with Carry negates the sum of a register value and the value of NOT (Carry flag), and writes the result to the destination register.
??| SBC{S} Rd, Rn, Rm Subtract with Carry subtracts a register value and the value of NOT (Carry flag) from a register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| {U|S}DIV Rd, Rn, Rm Unsigned/Signed Divide divides a signed integer register value by another signed integer register value, and writes the result to the destination register. The condition flags are not affected.
OK| {U|S}MADDL Xd, Wn, Wm, Xa Unsigned/Signed Multiply-Add Long multiplies two 32-bit register values, adds a 64-bit register value, and writes the result to the 64-bit destination register.
OK| {U|S}MNEGL Xd, Wn, Wm Unsigned/Signed Multiply-Negate Long multiplies two 32-bit register values, negates the product, and writes the result to the 64-bit destination register.
OK| {U|S}MSUBL Xd, Wn, Wm, Xa Unsigned/Signed Multiply-Subtract Long multiplies two 32-bit register values, subtracts the product from a 64-bit register value, and writes the result to the 64-bit destination register.
??| {U|S}MULH Xd, Xn, Xm Unsigned/Signed Multiply High multiplies two 64-bit register values, and writes bits[127:64] of the 128-bit result to the 64-bit destination register.
??| {U|S}MULL Xd, Wn, Wm Unsigned/Signed Multiply Long multiplies two 32-bit register values, and writes the result to the 64-bit destination register.
OK?| SUB{S} (extended register) Rd, Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Subtract (extended register) subtracts a sign or zero-extended register value, followed by an optional left shift amount, from a register value, and writes the result to the destination register. The argument that is extended from the Rm register can be a byte, halfword, word, or doubleword.
OK?| SUB{S} (immediate) Rd, Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Subtract (immediate) subtracts an optionally-shifted immediate value from a register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK?| SUB{S} (shift register) Rd, Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Subtract (shifted register) subtracts an optionally-shifted register value from a register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
2.2 Logical and Move
Mainly used for bit testing and manipulation. To a large degree, cryptographic algorithms use these operations exclusively to be efficient in both hardware and software. Implementing bitwise operations in hardware is relatively cheap.
-- Mnemonic Operands Instruction
OK| AND{S} (immediate) Rd, Rn, #imm Bitwise AND (immediate) performs a bitwise AND of a register value and an immediate value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| AND{S} (shifted register) Rd, Rn, Rm, {shift #amount} Bitwise AND (shifted register) performs a bitwise AND of a register value and an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| ASR (register) Rd, Rn, Rm Arithmetic Shift Right (register) shifts a register value right by a variable number of bits, shifting in copies of its sign bit, and writes the result to the destination register. The remainder obtained by dividing the second source register by the data size defines the number of bits by which the first source register is right-shifted.
OK| ASR (immediate) Rd, Rn, #imm Arithmetic Shift Right (immediate) shifts a register value right by an immediate number of bits, shifting in copies of the sign bit in the upper bits and zeros in the lower bits, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| BIC{S} Rd, Rn, Rm Bitwise Bit Clear (shifted register) performs a bitwise AND of a register value and the complement of an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| EON Rd, Rn, Rm {, shift amount} Bitwise Exclusive OR NOT (shifted register) performs a bitwise Exclusive OR NOT of a register value and an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| EOR Rd, Rn, #imm Bitwise Exclusive OR (immediate) performs a bitwise Exclusive OR of a register value and an immediate value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| EOR Rd, Rn, Rm Bitwise Exclusive OR (shifted register) performs a bitwise Exclusive OR of a register value and an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| LSL (register) Rd, Rn, Rm Logical Shift Left (register) shifts a register value left by a variable number of bits, shifting in zeros, and writes the result to the destination register. The remainder obtained by dividing the second source register by the data size defines the number of bits by which the first source register is left-shifted. Alias of LSLV.
OK| LSL (immediate) Rd, Rn, #imm Logical Shift Left (immediate) shifts a register value left by an immediate number of bits, shifting in zeros, and writes the result to the destination register. Alias of UBFM.
OK| LSR (register) Rd, Rn, Rm Logical Shift Right (register) shifts a register value right by a variable number of bits, shifting in zeros, and writes the result to the destination register. The remainder obtained by dividing the second source register by the data size defines the number of bits by which the first source register is right-shifted.
OK| LSR Rd, Rn, #imm Logical Shift Right (immediate) shifts a register value right by an immediate number of bits, shifting in zeros, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| MOV (register) Rd, Rn Move (register) copies the value in a source register to the destination register. Alias of ORR.
OK| MOV (immediate) Rd, #imm Move (wide immediate) moves a 16-bit immediate value to a register. Alias of MOVZ.
OK| MOVK Rd, #imm{, shift #amount} Move wide with keep moves an optionally-shifted 16-bit immediate value into a register, keeping other bits unchanged.
OK| MOVN Rd, #imm{, shift #amount} Move wide with NOT moves the inverse of an optionally-shifted 16-bit immediate value to a register.
OK| MOVZ Rd, #imm Move wide with zero moves an optionally-shifted 16-bit immediate value to a register.
OK| MVN Rd, Rm{, shift #amount} Bitwise NOT writes the bitwise inverse of a register value to the destination register. Alias of ORN.
OK| ORN Rd, Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Bitwise OR NOT (shifted register) performs a bitwise (inclusive) OR of a register value and the complement of an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| ORR Rd, Rn, #imm Bitwise OR (immediate) performs a bitwise (inclusive) OR of a register value and an immediate register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| ORR Rd, Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Bitwise OR (shifted register) performs a bitwise (inclusive) OR of a register value and an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register.
OK| ROR Rd, Rs, #shift Rotate right (immediate) provides the value of the contents of a register rotated by a variable number of bits. The bits that are rotated off the right end are inserted into the vacated bit positions on the left. Alias of EXTR.
OK| ROR Rd, Rn, Rm Rotate Right (register) provides the value of the contents of a register rotated by a variable number of bits. The bits that are rotated off the right end are inserted into the vacated bit positions on the left. The remainder obtained by dividing the second source register by the data size defines the number of bits by which the first source register is right-shifted. Alias of RORV.
OK| TST Rn, #imm Test bits (immediate), setting the condition flags and discarding the result. Alias of ANDS.
OK| TST Rn, Rm{, shift #amount} Test (shifted register) performs a bitwise AND operation on a register value and an optionally-shifted register value. It updates the condition flags based on the result, and discards the result. Alias of ANDS.
2.3 Load, Store and Addressing Modes
The following are the main instructions used for loading and storing data. There are others of course, designed for privileged/unprivileged loads, unscaled/unaligned loads, atomicity, and exclusive registers. However, as a beginner these are the only ones you need to worry about for now.
-- Mnemonic Operands Instruction
OK| LDR (B|H|SB|SH|SW) Wt, [Xn|SP], #simm Load Register (immediate) loads a word or doubleword from memory and writes it to a register. The address that is used for the load is calculated from a base register and an immediate offset.
OK| LDR (B|H|SB|SH|SW) Wt, [Xn|SP, (Wm|Xm){, extend {amount}}] Load Register (register) calculates an address from a base register value and an offset register value, loads a byte/half-word/word from memory, and writes it to a register. The offset register value can optionally be shifted and extended.
OK| STR (B|H|SB|SH|SW) Wt, [Xn|SP], #simm Store Register (immediate) stores a word or a doubleword from a register to memory. The address that is used for the store is calculated from a base register and an immediate offset.
OK| STR (B|H|SB|SH|SW) Wt, [Xn|SP, (Wm|Xm){, extend {amount}}] Store Register (immediate) stores a word or a doubleword from a register to memory. The address that is used for the store is calculated from a base register and an immediate offset.
OK| LDP Wt1, Wt2, [Xn|SP], #imm Load Pair of Registers calculates an address from a base register value and an immediate offset, loads two 32-bit words or two 64-bit doublewords from memory, and writes them to two registers.
OK| STP Wt1, Wt2, [Xn|SP], #imm Store Pair of Registers calculates an address from a base register value and an immediate offset, and stores two 32-bit words or two 64-bit doublewords to the calculated address, from two registers
2.4 Conditional
-- Mnemonic Operands Instruction
??| CCMN (immediate) Rn, #imm, #nzcv, cond Conditional Compare Negative (immediate) sets the value of the condition flags to the result of the comparison of a register value and a negated immediate value if the condition is TRUE, and an immediate value otherwise.
??| CCMN (register) Rn, Rm, #nzcv, cond Conditional Compare Negative (register) sets the value of the condition flags to the result of the comparison of a register value and the inverse of another register value if the condition is TRUE, and an immediate value otherwise.
??| CCMP (immediate) Rn, #imm, #nzcv, cond Conditional Compare (immediate) sets the value of the condition flags to the result of the comparison of a register value and an immediate value if the condition is TRUE, and an immediate value otherwise.
??| CCMP (register) Rn, Rm, #nzcv, cond Conditional Compare (register) sets the value of the condition flags to the result of the comparison of two registers if the condition is TRUE, and an immediate value otherwise.
OK| CSEL Rd, Rn, Rm, cond Conditional Select returns, in the destination register, the value of the first source register if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise returns the value of the second source register.
OK| CSINC Rd, Rn, Rm, cond Conditional Select Increment returns, in the destination register, the value of the first source register if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise returns the value of the second source register incremented by 1. Used by CINC and CSET.
OK| CSINV Rd, Rn, Rm, cond Conditional Select Invert returns, in the destination register, the value of the first source register if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise returns the bitwise inversion value of the second source register. Used by CINV and CSETM.
OK| CSNEG Rd, Rn, Rm, cond Conditional Select Negation returns, in the destination register, the value of the first source register if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise returns the negated value of the second source register. Used by CNEG.
OK| CSET Rd, cond Conditional Set sets the destination register to 1 if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise sets it to 0.
OK| CSETM Rd, cond Conditional Set Mask sets all bits of the destination register to 1 if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise sets all bits to 0.
OK| CINC Rd, Rn, cond Conditional Increment returns, in the destination register, the value of the source register incremented by 1 if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise returns the value of the source register.
OK| CINV Rd, Rn, cond Conditional Invert returns, in the destination register, the bitwise inversion of the value of the source register if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise returns the value of the source register.
OK| CNEG Rd, Rn, cond Conditional Negate returns, in the destination register, the negated value of the source register if the condition is TRUE, and otherwise returns the value of the source register.
2.5 Bit Manipulation
-- Mnemonic Operands Instruction
OK?| BFI Rd, Rn, #lsb, #width Bitfield Insert copies any number of low-order bits from a source register into the same number of adjacent bits at
??| any position in the destination register, leaving other bits unchanged.
??| BFM Rd, Rn, #immr, #imms Bitfield Move copies any number of low-order bits from a source register into the same number of adjacent bits at
??| any position in the destination register, leaving other bits unchanged.
OK?| BFXIL Rd, Rn, #lsb, #width Bitfield extract and insert at low end copies any number of low-order bits from a source register into the same number of adjacent bits at the low end in the destination register, leaving other bits unchanged.
??| CLS Rd, Rn Count leading sign bits.
??| CLZ Rd, Rn Count leading zero bits.
??| EXTR Rd, Rn, Rm, #lsb Extract register extracts a register from a pair of registers.
??| RBIT Rd, Rn Reverse Bits reverses the bit order in a register.
??| REV16 Rd, Rn Reverse bytes in 16-bit halfwords reverses the byte order in each 16-bit halfword of a register.
??| REV32 Rd, Rn Reverse bytes in 32-bit words reverses the byte order in each 32-bit word of a register.
??| REV64 Rd, Rn Reverse Bytes reverses the byte order in a 64-bit general-purpose register.
??| SBFIZ Rd, Rn, #lsb, #width Signed Bitfield Insert in Zero zeroes the destination register and copies any number of contiguous bits from a source register into any position in the destination register, sign-extending the most significant bit of the transferred value. Alias of SBFM.
??| SBFM Wd, Wn, #immr, #imms Signed Bitfield Move copies any number of low-order bits from a source register into the same number of adjacent bits at any position in the destination register, shifting in copies of the sign bit in the upper bits and zeros in the lower bits.
??| SBFX Rd, Rn, #lsb, #width Signed Bitfield Extract extracts any number of adjacent bits at any position from a register, sign-extends them to the size of the register, and writes the result to the destination register.
??| {S,U}XT{B,H,W} Rd, Rn (S)igned/(U)nsigned eXtend (B)yte/(H)alfword/(W)ord extracts an 8-bit,16-bit or 32-bit value from a register, zero-extends it to the size of the register, and writes the result to the destination register. Alias of UBFM.
2.6 Branch
-- Mnemonic Operands Instruction
OK| B label Branch causes an unconditional branch to a label at a PC-relative offset, with a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return.
OK| B.cond label Branch conditionally to a label at a PC-relative offset, with a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return.
OK| BL label Branch with Link branches to a PC-relative offset, setting the register X30 to PC+4. It provides a hint that this is a subroutine call.
OK| BLR Xn Branch with Link to Register calls a subroutine at an address in a register, setting register X30 to PC+4.
OK| BR Xn Branch to Register branches unconditionally to an address in a register, with a hint that this is not a subroutine return.
OK| CBNZ Rn, label Compare and Branch on Nonzero compares the value in a register with zero, and conditionally branches to a label at a PC-relative offset if the comparison is not equal. It provides a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return. This instruction does not affect the condition flags.
OK| CBZ Rn, label Compare and Branch on Zero compares the value in a register with zero, and conditionally branches to a label at a PC-relative offset if the comparison is equal. It provides a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return. This instruction does not affect condition flags.
OK| RET Xn Return from subroutine branches unconditionally to an address in a register, with a hint that this is a subroutine return.
OK| TBNZ Rn, #imm, label Test bit and Branch if Nonzero compares the value of a bit in a general-purpose register with zero, and conditionally branches to a label at a PC-relative offset if the comparison is not equal. It provides a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return. This instruction does not affect condition flags.
OK| TBZ Rn, #imm, label Test bit and Branch if Zero compares the value of a test bit with zero, and conditionally branches to a label at a PC-relative offset if the comparison is equal. It provides a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return. This instruction does not affect condition flags.
2.7 System
The main system instruction for shellcodes is the supervisor call SVC
-- Mnemonic Instruction
??| MSR Move general-purpose register to System Register allows the PE to write an AArch64 System register from a general-purpose register.
// read the condition flags
.equ OVERFLOW_FLAG, 1 << 28
.equ CARRY_FLAG, 1 << 29
.equ ZERO_FLAG, 1 << 30
.equ NEGATIVE_FLAG, 1 << 31
mrs x0, nzcv
// set the C flag
mov w0, CARRY_FLAG
msr nzcv, x0
??| MRS Move System Register allows the PE to read an AArch64 System register into a general-purpose register.
??| SVC Supervisor Call causes an exception to be taken to EL1.
OK| NOP No Operation does nothing, other than advance the value of the program counter by 4. This instruction can be used for instruction alignment purposes.
OK| SXTW 32->64 (signed)
OK| UXTW 32->64 (unsigned)
OK| SXTH 16->32 (signed)
OK| UXTH 16->32 (unsigned)
OK| SXTB 8->32 (signed)
OK| UXTB 8->32 (unsigned)
OK| UBFX Wd, Wn, #lsb, #width Unsigned bitfield extract.
OK| SBFX Wd, Wn, #lsb, #width Signed bitfield extract.
OK?|LDPSW Xt1, Xt2, [Xn|SP], #imm Load pair of registers signed word.
OK| SCVTF Vd, Vn, #fbits Signed fixed-point convert to floating-point.
OK?| UCVTF Vd, Vn, #fbits USigned fixed-point convert to floating-point.
NOT_IMPLEMENT: 'FMAXNM s10, s0, s11'
NOT_IMPLEMENT: 'SBFIZ x20, x9, #3, #0x20'
NOT_IMPLEMENT: 'INS v4.s[1], v5.s[0]'
NOT_IMPLEMENT: 'CCMP w10, #5, #0, ne'